Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gender Identity Disorder free essay sample
Have you ever woke up and felt like you were trapped in the wrong body? What if you appeared, to the rest of the world, as a certain â€Å"identity,†while you felt completely different on the inside? You were classified as male or female by your anatomical sex while your gender may be identified as the opposite. This perplex state of mind has been labeled gender maps, by John Money, as â€Å"an entity, template, or schema within the mind and brain that codes masculinity and femininity and androgyny. (Vitale 1997b) Feelings such as these could be characterized as gender identity disorder, which is defined as â€Å"the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe persons who experience significant gender dysphoria (discontent with the biological sex they were born with). †(Wikipedia) A distinct cause of GID is still uncertain, but research has determined there may contributing factors such as: biological and environmental theories of causation. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Identity Disorder or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Vitale 1997) Roughly one in 4,000 people in the American population are affected by GID, which has caused these individuals anguish and confusion. As early as two to four years old children can show signs, but will not be diagnosed until the child has been observed for at least six months, showing certain characteristics of GID. While normal curiosity of a child would seem to be the prognosis, it could be very bewildering for a parent to realize that their child is demonstrating behavior associated with a disorder, which may trigger social bigotry. Although, these symptoms may dissipate on their own or with proper treatment, this disorder may carry on into a child’s adult life. Often leaving them perplexed, searching for their true identity, and wondering how and when to portray their real self to the world. What causes Gender identity Disorder? Though the concept of GID has been around for several decades now, the exact cause is yet fully unknown. Scientist and psychologist have created several theories trying to address this disorder of cross gender feelings. It is believed that the influence is made in the early stages of gestation, during the first 4-6 weeks of embryo development, within the womb and linked to a genetic (chromosomal) abnormalities or an imbalance in hormones during this stage of development. Environmental factors such as a parent’s disappointment in the physical sex of the child and constant verbal dissatisfaction or regret can cause the mental development to transform into the preferred gender. Some, in adolescences, feel that they are the wrong gender and take steps to become what they feel is the correct gender in their minds. There are cases where a child is born with ambiguous genitals or male and female genitals and/or reproductive organs, causing the parents to make the choice of assigning the sex of the baby after a long series of tests to try and determine the actual hormonal sex. Once a sex is assigned there is no telling if the correct one was chosen until the child has aged. People with GID may act out as the opposite sex, expressing their desire to become a member of that gender and show signs of wanting to alter their bodies (Gelfand). â€Å"This disorder may affect self-concept, choice of sexual partners, and the display of femininity or masculinity through mannerisms, behavior and dress†(Stephens). Some symptoms often displayed in children consist of disgust for their own genitals; feel rejected by peers and sometimes parents. They can feel isolated or show signs of depression. Some children express the want to be the opposite gender. The symptoms seen in adults are similar to those of a child but on a larger and more serious scale. Adults with GID may want to live with a person of the opposite sex experiencing intimate relations, some are known to dress in â€Å"drag†or what is called cross dressing to appear as the desired sex and gender, may experience anxiety, and feel isolated (Ballas). Diagnosis In order to be clinically diagnosed with GID a person must observe specific characteristics or symptoms that correlate with their age, while they are examined for at least a six month period. These demonstrated feelings and mannerisms must be unrelenting and strongly resemble the opposite sex. â€Å"For example children and adolescents would have to display four or more of the following: 1. Repeatedly stated desire to be, or insistence that he or she is the other sex. 2. In boys, preference for cross-dressing or simulating female attire. In girls, insistence on wearing only stereotypical masculine clothing. 3. Strong and persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in make believe play or persistent fantasies of being the other sex. 4. Intense desire to participate in the stereotypical games and pastimes of the other sex. . Strong preference for playmates of the other sex. †(Stephens) While adults must express these same characteristics, although, it would be clinically proven that these feelings caused great turmoil and emotional stress. These stresses would impact their social, occupational, or other aspects of their lives for normal day to day operation. Treatmen t for GID Since GID is still so unknown to the psychiatric and scientific fields of medicine, treatments have been adapted to help those diagnosed with gender identity disorder. Doctors and psychiatrist rely on the DSM-IV- TR manual to diagnose and treat patients suspected of GID. Individual and family counseling is highly recommended from child and adolescents. Counseling for children helps treat other problems that may arise on a mental level such as depression or anxiety. Exercises in raising self-esteem are often practiced with children in hopes to increase self expectance. Treatment for adults varies from person to person. Adults with this disorder are often referred to as â€Å"transsexuals†and enter counseling through support groups or individual counseling. Hormone therapy and surgical procedures can be request to a doctor in hopes to suppress biological characteristics and transform into the opposite sex. Gender reassignment surgery or â€Å"sex change†as it is often heard in modern day culture, are the finals steps for transsexuals to achieve self fulfillment in becoming the opposite sex and mentally whole with themselves. Reassignment surgery is major and cannot be reversed once the operation is complete, therefore patients opting for such a procedure must undergo extensive evaluations and transition therapy (Gelfand). To go through life being afraid of expressing yourself, to face social bigotry, and feeling something on the inside and not being able to convey this on the outside, feeling trapped. Everyday a person suffering from gender identity disorder faces these realities. In order to deal with these actualities it will take a strong family bond; medical evaluations in order to diagnose and treat; and a resilient person, willing to find their true selves and express this with out fear. While there is still much more to learn regarding this disorder, with all of the new advances in scientific research we have taken great strides in observing and aiding those affected by GID, with psychologists and medical examiners researching the disorder to doctors performing reassignment surgery. In regards to the social and medical aspects people have become more accepting and understanding of the differences and perspective of the transgender or sufferers of GID.
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